Hello and welcome to the new Year 5 blog.
This is a great way for all of the year group and parents to stay in touch with the children and their learning.
We would remind ALL bloggers however of the schools e-safety policies.
At Stoke
Park Junior
School , we believe
learning about e-safety is vital to ensure our children stay safe digital
citizens now and in the future. Through the use of the blogs, the children at Stoke Park
will have the opportunity to develop their understanding of online safety and
how to behave when on the web. We have a few simple guidelines that we all need
to keep to in order to make the most of our year blogs:
Children are to only use their first name or initials when
commenting and posting.
Parents who leave comments are asked to use their first name only
so as not to identify their child. Or
post comments as "Paul's Mum" or "Kaitlin's Grandfather".
All posts will be checked by a teacher before they are published
to the blog.
All comments are moderated by the class teacher before they appear
on the blog.
Always be respectful of other people's work - be positive if you
are going to comment.
No text talk - please write in full sentences and read your
comments back carefully before submitting.
These blogs are the property of the school and all other school
rules apply when using them.
Right, the fun bit...
Year 5 children in
Stoke Park Junior
School took a step back
in time to Celtic Britain.
The children had
not been back from the summer a week before they were catapulted back in time,
nearly 3000 years, to Celtic Britain.
The day started by
the arrival of rabbles of undisciplined Legionnaire recruits and Celtic
villagers. What followed was a complete immersion into the lives of their
chosen characters.
The recruits,
under direction of Centurion Nolanius, were given a rude introduction to the
ways of life, drills and skills used in battle and equipment of the Roman Army.
The first thing that struck the children was the weight of all
the equipment.
Having considered this bearable they were told that added to
their armour would be their Gladius, two pilum, three days food rations,
blankets, picks or shovels, mess tins, cooking pots and parts of their tented
camps. In total, each man carrying in
excess of 35 Kilogrammes. In addition to
this, the children were then fascinated (or dismayed) to learn that they would
have to regularly march 25 miles per day, carrying all of their equipment,
within 5 hours. A final test to prove they were worthy of service in such an
effective fighting force.
However, for some
reason, the one thing that convinced the recruits to ‘eat their greens’ or in
this case their dried biscuits, was that, following the introduction of the
‘sponge on a stick’ they all decided that it would be best to be first in the
What followed was
what can only be described as wild fury as the recruits were taught how to
handle their gladius and scutum to devastating effect!
On the other side
of the school, a more peaceful and tranquil set of events were occurring. Children were reliving what it may have been
like in a small Celtic village. They
learnt how the ancient Celts day to day lives were guided by the seasons and by
what they could make/grow for themselves.
The children were immersed into the daily lives of the villagers which included regular security patrols by the villagers, traditional weaving, tools, jewellery and ‘garden décor’ that would rival anything Sir Alan Titchmarsh could conjure up.

And then, following a nice lunch, trouble on the horizon! The Roman recruits, eager for their first ‘blooding,’ set across the field in their newly learnt formations to sack the Celtic village. In what can only be described as utter carnage, rocks, root vegetables and severed heads were thrown at the oncoming testudo in a vain attempt to scatter the now unbreakable Roman formation. The Celtic villagers put up a valiant fight in their battle frenzies but, it stood no match for the discipline and
coordination of the new Legionnaires.
The children
gained so much from the days experiences and were described by them as
something they will never forget! The act of actually doing these things for
real was, for them, far more memorable than simply engaging with historic
accounts, videos or pictures. The amount
of valuable learning that took place acted as a spring board to a multitude of
enquiry based learning.
Since that fateful
day, the children have been researching the origins of Rome
from the Romulus
and Remus legends to the Roman Armies Onager and Ballista heavy weaponry. Just this week, classrooms have been turned
into workshops of armaments! The
children have linked their science work on forces to build and test fire their
own scaled down models of ancient technologies to great success. As teachers,
it has been absolutely fascinating to see some of the resourcefulness and positive
learning attitudes coming to the forefront.
Yet, there is more to come. In the final weeks of the half term there is
to be a huge dust up on the school field involving only the meanest of teachers
in gladiatorial combat. Cheered on by the baying crowds of Stoke Parkians there
will be unrelenting battles to rival those that have echoed through the ages
and stood the tests of time. We
culminate the learning by visiting the beautiful and historic city of Bath and
the most celebrated and best preserved relic of Roman Britain; the Roman Baths.
This will aid in
contextualising the learning and links children have made thus far and offer
them the opportunity to soak up the sights, sounds and smells of this
engineering marvel. They will be able to
see, touch and inhale a piece of science, engineering and history that has been
shared by rich, famous and the actual people they have been studying for the
past six weeks.
This has truly
been a cross curricular first half to the term. From the reading of ‘Spartapuss’
in Literacy, contextualised learning and application of shape and measure in
maths, to open ended enquiry in science, music and history, the children have
done themselves proud in what is a huge step up from Year 4.